
Carrie and Me

Carrie Matheson is a revelation to me.....ever since I started watching Homeland in it's 1st season she captivated me with her realness. That's one of the only words that I will use to describe her on this blog. If you read other publications or simply watch the show on your own accord then your word for her might be crazy. And that she might very well be, but to me Carrie unearths an everyday quality that I have yet to see in a television character. The show's creators allow the viewers into her mind, as scitzo as it may be. We get to see the vivid colors of her thinking process evolve at every step. We also get to see her go down the deep corridors that most of us "real" people recognize. Sometimes it is hard to watch....that might be why I can't take my eyes off of her as her manic eyes search for answers. Her emotions lead her alot of the time; a thing that I bet hinders her ability to be a great spy. Her mind, tho, cannot be matched in it's efforts to unearth what people are really thinking. That is what makes Carrie so unique. She really cares about the outcome. She REALLY cares about Brody. You can't find that kind of dedication now a days.......She made "The Choice" to go all the way with Brody.....she "gave it all up". Now she believes in him so much that she wants to clear his name! WOW! What a woman....I just hope that it doesn't backfire on her and Brody is still on his terror rampage? Who knows? This wouldn't be the first time in history that a woman was blinded by love. Well Carrie has blinded this blogger with her fine mind and "unique" perspective on how to live. I think I'm in love.....now all I have to do is make her forget Brody.

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