
We Need Wins.

Elton Brand said Saturday, "We can't be proud and happy about being close and getting to overtime. We need wins now."

Damn straight. Only Mike Brown should be happy about getting to overtime, because that would mean he was coaching again. Mavs Fans For Life are living a life of anxiety and high blood pressure this season. Close games and overtime losses are taking years off our lives. I was a bad fan this past Friday night. I saw the Mavs were down by 9 at the end of the 3rd quarter against the Thunder, and I put the game away. I had a 2 hour series finale waiting for me on my DVR.  There was no way the Mavs were going to pull off a comeback against Durant, despite their win streak on the line. I had been burned too many times this season already...staying up to watch a game end in a loss when I am scheduled to work only a few hours later. It is a crappy way to end the night and an even crappier way to start the morning when listening to sports radio on the way to work.

The Mavs failed me once again and are now 1-8 in games that go to overtime. But I did no better by giving up on a struggling team trying to find their way to .500. A team that brought my hometown a Championship just 2 seasons ago...I missed that same team go on a 20-8 run to start the fourth quarter, a quarter the Mavs have been notorious for blowing. Instead, I watched a disappointing Fringe finale. Joshua Jackson had nothing on Vince Carter that night. But as I said in an exchange of text messages during the game, "We can't win games with Carter as high scorer."

I won't be proud and happy about being close and getting to overtime, but I will restore my loyalty in my team by watching their games through highs and lows. We need wins now.


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