
Groupon Hates Your Stuffed Animals.

Over 140 bought. Limited quantity available.

Hurry, your chance to have all your children's stuffed animals together in one big orgy just minutes before they are hung to death is running out! Groupon Goods has a Stuffed Animal Organizer on sale for $29.99. For less than $30, you can string up to 42 stuffed animals, action figures, and dolls. So now they are off the floor and tied up...what does little Christopher do when he wants to play with his Batman, but his Batman is involved in a tangled war with 3 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3/4 of the way up the pole and out of poor Christopher's reach? You tell your son Batman has been released from the evil elastic bands but now must be the action figure for the week because removing more than one toy from the organizer would be the beginning of a mess and defeat the purpose of the organizer. And if he doesn't understand and asks why, you say, "Because I said so."

Do kids these days still have stuffed animals? Aren't most pets and toys virtual these days? Whatever happened to Tamagotchis? Forty-two...that's like averaging 5 stuffed toys annually the first 8 years of your life. Seems a bit excessive. But then again, any number less than 5 on this contraption almost appears unpleasant or painful. What did that poor doll do to deserve to be strapped atop the 56" pole? Is there a big red A stitched on her dress? Is it really just a clever way of organizing or the beginning of the end for these stuffed animals?


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