
What's Beef??

One verse blew Twitter up last night and all day today. One verse. I got on Twitter last night around midnight like I usually do just to saturate my mind with needless information, mostly about sports, reality tv relationships and lately a lot of racial ignorance :( , but this night was different. This night was.....refreshing. Yeah, that's the word....refreshing, like a really thirsty chick on twitter getting a follow from a celebrity, the thing trending on Twitter that quenched my thirst? Yes, you all know what I'm talking about, unless you have been in twitter jail for at least 48 hours you know that Kendrick Lamar called some people out on Big Sean's song "Control". He basically called out all the new school rap kids that are popular right now on the radio and mixtapes and shits. These cats are basically guys that rap on each otha's records and break bread together, make money together, go on tour together. Shit, two of the guys that he mentions on the verse are in the same song with him. It's Big Sean's fucking song!

I'm saying all of this to say this really. This verse was a ploy. There are a few reasons for it. Big Sean is promoting his new album coming out. Now, I don't know if it hurt him or helped him, being that his verse was the weakest of the lot with Jay Elec going in hard as well with his verse. Also, being that all the guys he mentions are basically his homeboys, he is giving them credit for being around his league, but he is saying that he is still heads and heels above them. Typical gregarious battle rap talk. Also, K. Dot wants mothafuckas to step they game up and come with real bars. Of the people he mentions I think that J. Cole and Jay Electronica are the ones that can do it......That being said, the last reason he did it was to re-energize an over saturated product. To shine up a dirty gem....it's name is Hip Hop.

Maybe it will work and maybe it won't. This isn't real Beef you see. Maybe real Beef will arise from it maybe it won't. I hope it does. The competition that real Hip Hop re enforces makes REAL MC's step their game up and this is exactly what Hip Hop needs right now.....it badly needs it. We (hip hop heads), dont need any more cute dance songs or sing along hooks bruh. We need substance! Real Bars! We need Jay Z vs. Nas type beef, LL vs. Moe D type beef, Eminem vs..... uh, nevermind, no one was that stupid. Anyway, that's the type of comp that we need today. Real lyrical beef.

That dude Joel Ortiz from Em's slaughterhouse crew came right back at Kendrick, and that track was dope. I love it, because that whole crew can spit and they are on some real lyrical shit but they are slept on. Maybe, this will wake people up and then we can stop hearing rappers singing they own hooks and start hearing rappers spit bars that make the hairs on the back of ur neck stand up when you hear them, just like mine did when I heard Kendrick last night.


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